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Mars: Algae, Lichens, Fossils, Minerals, Microbial Mats, and Stromatolites in Gale Crater
Martian Organisms Attack, Damage Curiosity's Rover Wheels After Only 10 Miles
Life on Venus and the Interplanetary Transfer of Biota from Earth
*How Consciousness Became the Universe and Created Itself: Quantum Physics of God
*Big Bang? A Critical Review
*The Myth of the Big Bang: Red Shifts, Black Holes, Acceleration, Infinity, Life.
*Infinity, Patterned Symmetry, Pythagoras, and the Black Hole at the Edge of the Universe
*The Quantum Cosmos and Micro-Universe: Black Holes, Gravity, Elementary Particles, and the Destruction and Creation of Matter
*A Collapsing Mirror Universe, Colliding Galaxies, Singularity and the Quantum Big Bang
*Einstein's Mirror Universe, Dark Matter, and Parallel Worlds
*The Uncertainty Principle and Multiple Worlds
*Einstein's Theories Predict A Rotating Universe
*The Myth of the Organic Soup: Only Life Produces Life
*Life on Earth Came From Other Planets
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*Genetics Indicates Extraterrestrial Origins for Life: The First Gene
*The Origin of Eukaryotes: Archae, Bacteria, Viruses and Horizontal Gene Transfer
*Genetics and the Evolution Of Life
*The Evolution and Metamorphosis Of Life From Other Planets: Viruses, Bacteria, Archae, Eukaryotes, Introns, Transposons, Exons, Conserved Genes, Silent Genes, Regulatory Genes, Whole Genome Duplication, Gene Expression, and Evolutionary Metamorphosis
*Evolution: Genes, Microbes, Metazoan Metamorphosis, Cambrian Explosion and the Genetically Engineered Earth
*Climate Change: The First Four Billion Years. The Biological Cosmology of Global Warming and Global Freezing
*Evolution, Plague, and Diseases From Space
*Extinction, Metamorphosis, Evolutionary Apoptosis, Genetically Programmed Species Mass Death
*The Evolution of Brain and Mind
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*The Evolution of Breasts, Buttocks and the Big Brain
*Hunters, Gatherers and the Evolution of Sex Differences in Language and Visual Spatial Skills
*Evolution of the Human Mind and Brain, Multi-Regional Evolution, The Cro-Magnon - Neanderthal Wars
*Evolution of Consciousness in the Ancient Corners of the Cosmos
*Awareness, the Origin of Thought, Resistance and Repression.
*Split Minds: Two Brains - Two Minds
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*Origins of Thought:
*The Limbic System & the Unconscious
*The Neuroanatomy of Free Will Loss of Will, Against the Will, "Alien Hand"
*Disconnection Syndromes & the Conscious Mind
*Dissociation,PTSD, Flashbacks, Paralytic Fear
*Dreams and Hallucinations: Lifting the Veil to Multiple Perceptual Realities
*Evolution of Paleolithic "Caveman" Cosmology
*Quantum Physics and the Multiplicity of Mind.
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Quantum Tunneling, LSD, Neuroscience, Doors of Perception
*Time Travel Through Black Holes and Worm Holes in the Fabric of Space-Time
在国内如何访问国外网站和APP应用(Facebook、YouTube ...:2021-12-28 · 本文仅面向小白,大神绕绕路啦;在国内访问非大陆网站和应用时会发生“网络无法连接”,“网络连接失败”等等问题,这是因为国内的政策原因把非大陆网站和应用屏蔽掉了,也就是我伔说的网络防火墙,隔开了我伔跟国外友人交流,这里就不多说了,众免博主被请喝茶, 哈哈!
*The Time Machine of Consciousness. Past Present Future Exist Simultaneously. Entanglement, Tachyons, Relative Time, Circle of Time, Quantum Time, Dream Time, PreCognition, Retrocausation, Deja Vu, and Premonitions
*Consciousness Of The Future: PreCognition, Premonition, Deja Vu
*Dream Time, Precognition, Many Worlds, the Sixth Dimension
*Dream-Consciousness at Light Speed: Entangled Minds
*Is God an Extraterrestrial?
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*Cosmology and the Death of Gods: New Age Religions, Anti-Christ, Precession of the Equinox
*Neurotheology: Gods, Death, Souls, Spirits, Rebirth, Astral Projection, Judgment Day, Heaven, Hell, and the Second Death
*Possession and Prophecy: Alien Hand, Split-Brains, Religious Experience, Trance, Dissociation, Moses, Hitler and the Second Exodus
*Damon Wells: Son of the Devil. The Murder and Dreams of Tanya Zach
